Behold A White Horse

Designed to bring you closer to God and the true primitive Christianity begun by Jesus through understanding scripture and prophecy.

Religion today is in very real danger of crumbling under the weight of perception and public opinion. Atheism, agnosticism, and disenchantment are all on the rise. Religion suffers attacks from within and without. It is also viewed as being archaic, out of touch in addition to being a source for a great deal of abuse. It is, unfortunately, true that religion, by its very nature, has brought a lot of this upon itself and as a consequence of this much of the message, specifically the prophetic message, is being lost.

But religion is not faith, nor is church a building or a brand denomination. Religion is nothing more than the man-made rules and structures that have grown up and surrounded the simple truth of faith, belief and understanding.

Through the pages of this blog I intend to explore the simple truth and simple church brought to us by Jesus. In finding the church that Jesus founded, unhindered by man's rules, we will be able to find the truth to the prophetic messages of the Bible and a simpler, truer way to live.

I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me and feel free to comment or share your own stories.

Tracey Alley

Sunday, 20 January 2013

So... What About Armageddon?

Well, as you can see, we did not perish on the 21st of December as many said the Mayan's had predicted.  So does this mean that Armageddon is a myth?  That there will be no 'Great and Terrible Day of the Lord'?  Absolutely not.  Mark my words, the return of Christ will come, perhaps even in our lifetimes.  What it does prove though is the words of the Bible - 'no one knows the time or the day'.  Not even the Son in His earthly body knew when the Day of the Lord would come.  Of course, now that He has resumed His position at the right hand of The Father, He is, once again, fully one with God and fully privy to the plan of salvation that God has laid out for mankind.

God the Father, the Ancient of Days, has allotted a period of time to humanity for us to go our own way.  To choose for ourselves what is good and what is evil.  That time period though, will run out.  Christ, the Son, the great I Am, will return to earth with His heavenly host to end Satan's rule over mankind and to bring judgement to the world.  The Bible promises us that this will occur. What we are not told is when.

Any one who preaches that they know exactly when the Day of the Lord will come is a liar.  They may be simply deluded and misguided or they may have a more malicious agenda but either way they are wrong.  The Bible gives us clues, warning signs to watch for but it also states clearly that the Lord's return will come 'like a thief in the night'.  We may be able to make fairly educated guesses based on the events going on in the world but that is all they will ever be... guesses.

While on earth Christ told His disciples the end was coming 'soon', and as we know, that was two thousand years ago.  This means we must also have an understanding of what 'soon' means to God.  The Bible tells us that 'a thousand years is like unto a day to God' - therefore, very little time, as God measures it, has passed since Jesus walked the earth as a man.

In Matthew chapter 24, Jesus gave to His disciples an outline of worldly events that would lead up to His return .  "Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains."

These few short verses make it very plain that there will be a great amount of sorrow and turmoil in the world before we draw close to His return.  Then there is also the series of events that are described in the Book of Revelation.  World events seem to indicate pretty clearly that we are, already, on the fast track to the return of Christ.  Furthermore, the Bible tells us when, exactly, the countdown began - with the earthly crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  How can we know this with absolute certainty?  We know because in the Book of Revelation, the opening of the Scrolls is the final countdown to the end if you will, which takes place in heaven by the 'Lamb that was slain'

Therefore, as difficult as it may be to understand to our human minds, we have been on the road to the Day of Judgement for in excess of two thousand years.  So, if that is the case, why would I say that the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord could happen in our lifetime?  Again because of other clues given in the Bible.  The prophetic Book of Daniel, chapter 2, speaks of the rise and fall of world kingdoms from his time until the end and all but one of them has now come and gone.  That final, world dominating kingdom that will appear to come in peace and offer great prosperity, could come in a heartbeat.  The events of September 11 demonstrated how quickly our world can change course. 

Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation, along with many other prophecies, give further clues that the time of the end truly is approaching with lightning speed.  Even so, we still do not know exactly when the return of Christ will come.  All any of us can do is stay close to God through worship, prayer and study of His Words and make it a practice to familiarize ourselves with what the Bible actually says - not what people tell you it says.  If you read your Bible with an open heart God will reveal to you the meaning behind His allegorical prophecies.  You will learn how to decipher prophecy for yourself.

Some of you may be asking about now - who am I then to be telling you these things?  The simple answer to that, of course, is no one.  I am nothing other than what the Father gives me and guides me to.  I am, just like you, a seeker of truth and a Follower of The Way.  DO NOT simply take my word for what is written in these posts - seek out the answers for yourself.  Weigh my words against God's Words to see if I am being truthful.  I DO NOT AND WILL NOT say 'follow me' - we all walk this path together.

In truth, love and harmony,

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