Behold A White Horse
Designed to bring you closer to God and the true primitive Christianity begun by Jesus through understanding scripture and prophecy.
Religion today is in very real danger of crumbling under the weight of perception and public opinion. Atheism, agnosticism, and disenchantment are all on the rise. Religion suffers attacks from within and without. It is also viewed as being archaic, out of touch in addition to being a source for a great deal of abuse. It is, unfortunately, true that religion, by its very nature, has brought a lot of this upon itself and as a consequence of this much of the message, specifically the prophetic message, is being lost.
But religion is not faith, nor is church a building or a brand denomination. Religion is nothing more than the man-made rules and structures that have grown up and surrounded the simple truth of faith, belief and understanding.
Through the pages of this blog I intend to explore the simple truth and simple church brought to us by Jesus. In finding the church that Jesus founded, unhindered by man's rules, we will be able to find the truth to the prophetic messages of the Bible and a simpler, truer way to live.
I hope you will enjoy taking this journey with me and feel free to comment or share your own stories.
Tracey Alley
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Act of God or Natural Disaster?
The Bible tells us clearly that God uses natural disasters as a way of imparting a lesson to His people. As a way of reminding His people of His ultimate plan for all mankind. So does that mean that every thunderstorm or earthquake is an act of God? Well, this is where things get a little complicated because the answer is yes and no.
The first thing we all have to remember is that God created nature. Nothing happens on this planet that God is not ultimately in control of completely. However that doesn't mean that He deliberately sends a disaster just to see His people suffer without cause. That's not the way of love so we know immediately that it is not the way of God.
Despite that though we cannot ignore the fact that God has, in the past and will in the present and in the future, use natural disasters as a way of gaining His people's attention. So while the majority of events are nothing more than the results of living as a fallen people in a fallen world there are events which God can, has and will use to remind us of His might and majesty.
God tells us in many places in the Bible that He will send earthquakes, fire, famine and destruction. These things are, unfortunately, part of the inbuilt nature of our own sinfulness. It would be impossible for humanity to live in a perfectly ordered world because from the time of Adam and Eve we have sinned. In fact, the Bible tells us the very planet itself cries out to God for release because this is not the way God intended for His children to have to live.
Thus we know that while the vast majority of natural disasters that occur all over the world are simply the result of a planet that is broken because of our sin we also know that ultimately God is in control of everything. Don't automatically assume that every flood, fire or thunderstorm is an omen from God but don't dismiss His very real control and sovereignty over all that happens on this planet. Again it is vital that you read your Bibles, that you are intimately familiar with God's Word so that you can recognize the difference between 'an act of God' and a 'natural disaster'.
Peace be with you and my prayers to all those who are suffering the effects of the recent spate of disasters.
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